I’ve had limited time to dedicate to working on large paintings recently so I spent some time developing a small set of hand painted cards. Some were terrible (ha!) but I’m really pleased with how most came out. They follow the same style as many of my larger abstract paintings.
I use tape to make clean(ish) edges, put a base coat down and then decide on my colours. I tend to go for either a dark blue base (such as Prussian Blue Hue) or a coral, which I mix myself using reds, yellows, white and pink. I’ve been reaching for any paints that need using up. I use mainly Winsor and Newton, Liquitex or Daler Rowney acrylic paints.
Someone pointed out they are quite a cute option for having something hand painted which could easily be popped into a small frame, without investing in large paintings.

These are fun to make so I’ll keep doing a few more, let me know what you think or if you have any colour requests!