Author: Natasha Fox (page 1 of 1)

Langford Art Festival 2023

This weekend, 10-11 June 2023 was the Langford Art Festival. It was my first time exhibiting with them, and actually my first art festival. Art was set up in several locations, with mine being in St Matthews Church.

It felt quite daunting walking up to the church for setting up day on Friday, although the gorgeous weather helped make me feel at ease.

St Matthew’s Church, Langford (location of LAF 2023 2D work)

Armed with my art, my husband, screws and a drill, we embarked on fixing my art to my allocated panel. I enjoyed all the buzz and excitement around me and such a helpful atmosphere was lovely.

Langford Art Festival 2023

Friday night was the private view. As well as chatting about my own pieces, it was really uplifting to be in the same space as so many talented artists and to see a wide range of work.

Saturday and Sunday were the public festival days. So much fun! Had a giggle with some other artists, made new connections and received some kindly advice from some more experienced artists. The organisers had done so well with a cafe pop up in the village hall with tasty food and the logistics sorted nicely.

I do find it hard to ‘sell’ my art, I think I am not alone with that, but I was honoured that someone chose to purchase my large painting, ‘Emerging’. This was followed by three other sales and with festival proceeds going to local charity, it’s definitely a feel good moment!

A pretty chuffed me next to my red dot

So after a wonderful weekend, I think LAF2023 was incredibly well organised, a supportive environment full of positivity and I hope it continues to be successful, and that I can join in again! A big thanks to all the volunteers.

Next to be tackled

My next project is going to be to try a much bigger version of these small ones.

Small 10 x 10cm

To create a painting in this style uses a lot of paint, and I am conscious of avoiding waste as much as possible, so it needs some thought! One advantage is that I paint these on paper, which is much easier to store afterwards. And easier for someone to frame if it was purchased. A lot of what I do is on pre-stretched canvas, for convenience, but the downside is they are more bulky.

So, just need to decide on my colours, carve out a large chunk of time and go for it!

Exhibition time!

I have signed up for my first exhibition, at West Ox Arts Society in Bampton. This is really exciting for me! I can show two pieces; I’ve chosen one and can’t decide on the other. It will run for 4 weeks, I’ll post an update once I pick my pieces and have dropped them off. The one I am definitely going to show is ‘Remember Me’. I love this one, and hope a passer by or two enjoy having a look too.

Latest printed cards

I’ve had a new set of printed cards made, again printed by Wraptious. They’re on FSC certified paper with brown envelopes, some come in biodegradable and compostable cellophane and some are naked. The print quality is excellent and I’m really pleased.

They are all created using my artwork, adding text and then the image is inverted, meaning the colours stay only in the text. Apart from my mega-colour happy birthday one. Sometimes you just gotta splash a whole lot of colour on a page!

They are fuss free, blank inside.

Digital and posters

I’ve been playing around with digital recreations using glitchlab and it is SO much fun! I take a photo of my original painting and then change it from there. So each one is unique and only created from my paintings.

Example of a digital recreation

I think these will work well as a poster, with lots of deep vibrant colour. They feel contemporary and bright, and full of energy (which is how I like things).

Love this style – like melting away

I’ll be able to create a poster from most of my work so if you see colours you like, get in touch, I’d love to see what can be created. Just message on insta or use xx


I’ve had limited time to dedicate to working on large paintings recently so I spent some time developing a small set of hand painted cards. Some were terrible (ha!) but I’m really pleased with how most came out. They follow the same style as many of my larger abstract paintings.

I use tape to make clean(ish) edges, put a base coat down and then decide on my colours. I tend to go for either a dark blue base (such as Prussian Blue Hue) or a coral, which I mix myself using reds, yellows, white and pink. I’ve been reaching for any paints that need using up. I use mainly Winsor and Newton, Liquitex or Daler Rowney acrylic paints.

Someone pointed out they are quite a cute option for having something hand painted which could easily be popped into a small frame, without investing in large paintings.

These are fun to make so I’ll keep doing a few more, let me know what you think or if you have any colour requests!